Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Still in the hospital

So they did surgery, but didn't find what they thought. They thought there would be a lot to drain, but there really wasn't and the swelling is getting worse. They've had her on strong antibiotics and will see what the cultures show us when they come back tomorrow. The poor woman is just sick of that hospital, but I'm afraid she'll still be there for a while longer.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I guess a lot has happened since the last post. Mom's surgery on January 5th went very well. They finished about 3 hours earlier then they had anticipated because everything went so well. She was also in the hospital about 2 days less than they thought she'd be. She got to go home on Monday, the 10th. She was very tired and sore, but had a good progress report from her doctor when she went in for her first follow-up visit on Thursday. She had three drains put in her body (one in her breast and two in her stomach) and the doctor took the one out of her breast at her Thursday visit. Unfortunately, on Friday, she noticed that her breast began to swell. It kept getting bigger through Saturday, so she met the doctor at the hospital this morning at 8:00 am. Originally the doctor thought that she was just retaining fluid that could be drained with a needle. Unfortunately, it was not that easy and they admitted her again. They are still not sure if it is fluid or if there is an infection. They have put her on a strong antibiotic and will watch her tonight. If nothing improves by tomorrow, they may have to do surgery again to open her up and see what is going on. She's very sad to be back in the hospital, so please keep her in your prayers and pray she doesn't have to have another surgery! Love you all and thank you so much for your support!