Monday, June 28, 2010


So here we go another update. I met with the surgeon at Mayo Clinic today. His name is Dr. Richard Gray. I was so impressed with him. He spent over an hour with us answering all our questions and going over everything piece by piece. It was very helpful. He concurred with everything my oncologist has been doing. He also is very suspicious of the spine and requested that his radiologists look at all my films and determine whether I need another biopsy in the spine or not. Also I am going tomorrow to get another US of my breast. There is another spot that he wants to confirm whether or not it is malignant.The reason for this is if it is malignant then I will have to get a masectomy. If it is not then I can have the choice of a masectomy or a lumpectomy. So we will see. More tests, yeah. I must say it is getting exhausting. Dr. Cavalcant called tonight and told me that he was very excited that Dr. Gray is on the case. He said it will be good to have the teamwork. I truely believe I am in as good of hands as possible.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Okay so Jeremy was a little annoyed at the lack of information that I posted so I guess I will be more specific. So I had the MRI today and the liver was clear. One of the great things about working where I do is I can get most of the tests done and get the reports quickly. I talked to my oncologist tonight and he is still cautiously optimistic but is still concerned about the nodes in my chest cavity and he still is concerned with my spine.

So he talked to another radiologist today and was told that the nodes in my chest cavity are too small to biopsy so he wants to do another lumbar biopsy only this time do it on the L3. I believe that will happen on Monday. I think he is about ready to start me on Chemo I am guessing that will be next week. I am also meeting with a surgeon that works at Mayo Clinic on Monday mornning. So I will be able to have both opinions on what needs to happen. I am feeling much better now and more optomistic. I must admit on from Monday till today I have not been as upbeat. So I think that is all the details now. I should talk to the oncologist tomorrow and find out for sure the plan.

Yesterday I got the results back from my bone biopsy. It was negative. YEAH!!. My Oncologist is cautiously optimistic. Today I am getting a MRI of my liver. Then we will do another biopsy on the nodes in my chest wall. More tests but if they all come out negative it will be worth it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday I had my bone biopsy. They gave me some serious sedation so I slept quite a bit. The radiologist that was going to do the procedure came and talked to me before hand and was pretty open about all of it. He thinks the cancer is also in my liver. He said it wouldn't change my prognosis or treatment. I should know by Wednesday what the result is. There is no good answer to this. If it is yes then the cancer has metastisized and I now become a Stage 4 if it is no then I have to have another bipsy in the chest wall. I gotta say it is starting to wear me out. Thank goodness work is being so supportive. Thanks to all of you also.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


We went wig shopping yesterday and these are the two I narrowed it down to. Which do you think I should pick.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Last night I had a surprise visit from the Bawden girls. Tamra, Janae, Amber, Kelly, and Shanna. It was great. We laughed about the silliness we used to do and talked about fond memories of their mom Ginny, She was one of my closest friends who died seven years ago from Breast Cancer. Thanks girls for coming and making me laugh and making Kay laugh. We love you.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Did anyone know that there is a huge Roller Coaster in Mesa. I have discovered it or at least I think there is one because I have been on one heck of a roller coaster ride the last couple of weeks. Last night I was confident that I did not have cancer in my spine and now my oncologist thinks there might be after all and I might have it in my chest. So now I get to have more tests. The first test I am having is a biopsy in the Lumbar spine. I think it is going to be on Monday. So no definite answers yet again. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I got more results from tests today and it looks like I have no cancer in my spine like we were worried about. I meet with the oncologist tomorrow and I am hoping to have a plan when I walk out of his office. Going wig shopping this weekend.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tests and more tests

I met with my Oncologist today. I really liked him a lot and finally felt like we were getting somewhere. I have cancer in at least two places in my right breast. Several lymph nodes in my right under arm and now I might possible have it in my Lumbar spine. Today I am having a MRI of the spine, a PET scan which shows everything in the tissue, and a Bone scan which shows anything in the bones.The doctor wants to start me on Chemotherapy right away because he says the Lymph nodes are three times larger then they should be and he wants to shrink them some before the surgery. The surgery will definitely be a Masectomy. I will probably lose all my hair. Any requests for color or styles you would like to see me in. The only good part of this is when it is all over I will get reconstruction and have perky boobs for the rest of my life.


I decided the best way to keep everyone informed about what is going on is to use the internet so I am going to post on this blog and for those on Facebook there will be a special facebook page.