Monday, June 28, 2010


So here we go another update. I met with the surgeon at Mayo Clinic today. His name is Dr. Richard Gray. I was so impressed with him. He spent over an hour with us answering all our questions and going over everything piece by piece. It was very helpful. He concurred with everything my oncologist has been doing. He also is very suspicious of the spine and requested that his radiologists look at all my films and determine whether I need another biopsy in the spine or not. Also I am going tomorrow to get another US of my breast. There is another spot that he wants to confirm whether or not it is malignant.The reason for this is if it is malignant then I will have to get a masectomy. If it is not then I can have the choice of a masectomy or a lumpectomy. So we will see. More tests, yeah. I must say it is getting exhausting. Dr. Cavalcant called tonight and told me that he was very excited that Dr. Gray is on the case. He said it will be good to have the teamwork. I truely believe I am in as good of hands as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kris,

    Thanks for the additional information. As we spoke on the phone, it's good to have the Mayo Clinic involved because they have the latest expertise of the entire Mayo organization. I know how exhausting this is for you right now and will be for a while, but it's wise to have all the information possible. Just keep doing everything possible because that will determine the best treatment. Love, Jessie
