Monday, August 9, 2010

Doctors Appointment

I went to see the oncologist today. Everything is fine. He gave me a different prescription for nausea so hopefully this will work a little better. Tomorrow is Chemo #2. Soooo excited. My mom is coming down on Wednesday so that will be nice to have her here to help. (Hopefully she will be bored and clean my kitchen cupboards.) Shhhh don't tell her I said that.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kris,

    I think it's great that your Mom will be there. With Chemo #2 starting, even YOU will be happy to accept the help and companionship.

    I hope the nausea medicine works better than the last time. Because the chemo brew is to be the same, they should be more on top of the nausea this time around.

    There's no need for you to grin and bear it. Remember about creative whining and use it as often as you can.

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday card. That was a total surpise with all that is occupying your mind at this time, so I value it even more. Love, Jessie
