Sunday, December 12, 2010


Just an update for everyone. I am having surgery on the fifth of January at the Mayo clinic in Phoenix. I will be in the hospital for a week with two of the days in ICU. It is a pretty extensive and delicate surgery. I have a two month recov ery. Look for me to be climbing the walls. But after all is said and done I should be able to live my life pretty normally for a few years. I look forward to that.


  1. Dear Kris,

    Thanks for the surgery date. I wasn't looking to hear until after Christmas, so that takes the concern about when away.

    From our conversation, I know this is going to be an ordeal for you. I'm glad the kids are making the trip to be with you for christmas. Love, Jessie

  2. Kris,

    Sounds like good news for the long run! Just keep reminding yourself in the short run. It's such a great comfort to know that something is being done for you.

    Will be thinking of you.

    Diane Y-Q
